Monday, November 14, 2011

What Do You Mean I'm Fat?

So I suppose I should explain my blog name. I have a picture up there at the top, see it? I'm fat.

I've been aware of my fatness for a very long time, since maybe I was five. So, I'm sure there are SOME fat people in denial, you know those people who don't think they're fat and that's cool, it's a free country, you do your thing girl! (or boy!) But at 350 lbs I've already got the slight notion that I perhaps, maybe, possibly, COULD BE ...fat.

So I just loooooooooooooove it when some dumbass drives by or walks by and says I'm fat. I was at a bus stop with my daughter, Michele, and some douchebag drives by and yells YOU'RE FAT! I looked at Michele and said. MICHELE, I'M FAT?? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ?!?! Then we laughed and got on the bus and went to lunch. I'm fat? No shit Sherlock. I KNOW I'm fat.

What's WORSE is doctors. I went to Western Bariatric to have a consultation on gastric bypass surgery. This is a place where fat people go right? Like no skinny chicks roll up into there and are like OK I NEED YOUR HELP!

So I'm in the waiting room with my now exhusband. I'm not even the biggest person there. So I go into the exam room to talk to the surgeon and he talks to me about stuff like my diabetes will probably go away and my blood pressure will go down .. exciting stuff! Then I lay down , and he examines my tummy, and I kid you not he says to me... You're a big girl. People always ask me what did I say to him in reply. I said.. nothing. I was BLINDSIDED. You don't expect the Bariatric people to call you fat.. they're supposed to help you WTF? In hindsight I should have been like.. Oh I want a second opinion...

Anyway I hate that shit.. knock it off


  1. Welcome to the Fatosphere! You're gonna have such an awesome journey.

  2. Hey mom I forgot to tell're fat. There now you can no longer be surprised lol. Bitches need to back the eff up and quit messing with my mom before I eff there ish up lol.
